Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mary Shackleford Harvey: I Want an Apology

Mary Shackleford Harvey: I Want an Apology

The link above is the interview that Tom Joyner had with Steve Harvey's ex-wife. I find the article interesting on a number of fronts. I have never really liked Steve and although I find some of the information in his books to be true (my grandmother taught me a lot about what he says) he forgets that situations are different, people are different, and circumstances are different and for me makes too many generalizations. However, I find it odd that she says she got nothing from the divorce, being that as an attorney I would think there would be loads of lawyers who would love the feather in their cap of getting Steve Harvey to pay. It is unfortunate that she doesn't have a relationship with her son, however, I am not sure her explanation is acceptable to me. There is nothing in this world that could keep me from having a relationship my son, even if me and his father were not together and his father had custody. I just don't understand that, not to mention the courts and the staff of the courts will generally help anyone who wants to have a quality relationship with their children make that happen. I will say that Mary seems bitter and sad. She says that Steve did not treat her right, but still blames Marjorie for their divorce. Why do women want to stay in relationships that don't make them happy? Why does anyone? I don't know. Anywho, you be the judge of what you think. You can also catch her talking on youtube. If I were Mary, I would be living my best life if for no other reason than to let Steve and Marjorie know they couldn't get me down.

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