Sunday, May 1, 2011

Make Peace with Your Beast

Periodically when I go through magazines I find stuff that really catches my eye, inspires me or just plain out makes me think.  While reading the May 2011 issue of O, I ran across a piece on Cristina Carlino. One of the things she said really struck a chord with me and I wanted to share.

You need to make peace with your "beast."

I believe that all women have a beauty and a beast within.  The beast is that inner voice that makes you question your worth, and it gets louder with age.  Those negative emotions can crush your beauty.  The solution?  Not to fight the beast but to make peace with it.  Your reward will be loving the whole woman you have become instead of the divided woman you are.

Think about your beast and really work to make peace with her.  I know my inner beast very well and I have always battled against her.  I am not clear at this moment how to reconcile with her, but I am going to definitely work on it cause it can only free up energy to reach my complete potential.