Friday, February 4, 2011

Is it the cheating or the getting caught that make us mad?

So I am watching Damages as this topic came up.

Most woman would agree that all men cheat (at some point).  I think so :)  Some would even agree that most women cheat (at some point).  So if that is the premise from which we start is it the cheating or the getting caught that really hurts us?  I would say that it is the getting caught.  I say that because if you get caught that means you are getting sloppy.  If you are getting sloppy that means that either you want to get caught or maybe you no longer care about the other person in the relationships feelings?  Don't get me wrong, getting caught is usually a good thing because it causes us to deal with the issues that led us to cheating in the first place. Anywho, just curious....


  1. Who wants to get caught cheating unless it's being used as a means to an end? Otherwise being caught is the "ulitmate exposure" of bad behavior. It's difficult for me to buy into the cliche' that "all men cheat (at some point)". It's almost like giving them a rites of passage or something. lol
    Although men tend to cheat with their loins and women out of emotional reasons, it's still bad.

    I've never cheated but if I did so, it would not be sloppy and I will not get caught. lol

  2. Natura, most women don't get caught :) I don't think the cliche' makes cheating by men a rite of passage, I think women not holding mens feet to fire and giving them a scape goat by blaming the other woman that makes it easy for men to cheat. It's like we condemn the woman, but give our I men a break. I think if we start holding our men accountable they will begin to act better. I do have to admit though I do believe that all men cheat, but I also think that women cheat too. I think though that cheating happens because we have not fully learned how to be in a relationship and communicate. Just my random thoughts on a very complex subject that no one answer fits.

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